Alison Riemersma
Alison is involved primarily in Community Engagement and Outreach, serving on the former Bridge Builders Committee and now the Outreach Taskforce. She also currently serves on the Building Committee. In the past, she has served on the Stewardship Committee, Greeters, Ushers, Intercessory Prayer, and several ad hoc committees. Alison is largely responsible for the planning of the annual Day of Service. She has worked closely with our Curates as someone with institutional knowledge of outreach. Alison has served the past 25+ years at Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary, 18 of which as Executive Assistant to the Academic Dean. Alison enjoys camping on the Llano River, puttering around the house, watching movies, and spoiling cats. Alison has been a member of St. David’s since 1996. Alison served on the Vestry 2012-14 and again in 2021-23. She was elected as Treasurer for 2022.