Merrell Anne Shearer
Merrell Anne grew up in Austin and has been an active member since the early 1990s. Merrell Ann and her husband Art were married by Jim Bethell in 1996. They have three sons, Kent, Graham, and Stephen. Over the years, she has been involved in many areas of the church including foyers groups, service activities, and children’s and youth programs. As a volunteer at Trinity Center for several years, serving at Women to Women, she also served as a Board Member. Over the years she has attended many classes/programs, and the Beloved Community Healing Circles. She has worked as a residential real estate broker for the past 20 plus years. She volunteers at Trinity Center weekly and serves on the Bishop Quinn Foundation and the Strategic Mission Grants Committee at the Diocese of Texas. In the past, she served on the Board of El Buen Samaritano and has been involved in many community organizations as a volunteer and in leadership roles. She has a BA from the University of Texas in Plan II and Spanish. As a parishioner, I love the diversity and community involvement of the St. David’s community and am now called to serve the church on a deeper level. Merrell Anne was elected to the vestry in 2021.