George Zwicker
Sr. Warden
I regularly attend church services, the Sunday 10 o’clock education hour, and currently the Soul of Aging Seminar led by Dr. Mona West, and monthly Men’s Group Dinners.
I have chaired both the Stewardship Committee and Men’s Dinner Group Committee. I’m a past member of the Finance Committee and a current member of the Building Committee. I’ve served on the first Capital Campaign Committee and co-chaired the recent second phase of the Capital Campaign Committee. I have served on the Cold Weather Shelter ministry and delivered flowers as a member of the Flower Guild. I have been a greeter as well. I currently serve on the Diocesan Commission of Ministry and have facilitated or been a member of several Regional Discernment Committees for Holy Orders.
I retired from office furniture sales, sales management, and general management. I have a BA in History from Sam Houston State University. At the Episcopal Church of the Epiphany, Houston, I served as operations manager, vestry member, junior warden, senior warden, and Diocesan Council delegate. As a clergy spouse, my wife is the Rev. Dr. Carol R. Petty, I served as a volunteer registrar at several Diocesan Councils that she attended in her capacity as rector and later as an employee of the Diocese.
I’m a board member of the Highland Park West Balcones Area Neighborhood Association and have served as treasurer since 2016.
My prior experience enables me to work with both individuals and groups toward a common purpose – in this case, to carry out “…the vision, mission, and ministry of Christ through St. David’s parish.
I thoroughly enjoy my involvement with St David’s and the Diocese. I believe my strong faith in God has enabled me to serve successfully and will continue to equip me as a vestry member of St David’s.