It means that you will be fed. You will connect, eat, be formed, and worship, in a joyful space that is created specifically for you.
- Fr. Kristin Braun
Sunday mornings
- 8:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m., 1st Floor
- Contact for more information
- 8:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m., 1st Floor
Children's Sermon
- Offered in the 9 and 11: 15 a.m. services, Historic Church
- Offered in the 9 and 11: 15 a.m. services, Historic Church
Children's Classes
- 9:45 a.m. Check-in, Children's Sermon, and breakfast, 1st Floor Chapel
- 10-11 a.m. Formation Classes, 1st Floor Classrooms
- 11-11:30 a.m. Sunday Singalong, 1st Floor Chapel
We have a rich foundation of education and formation here at St. David’s, one that I am honored to stand on as we move into the fall of 2024. I deeply admire your commitment to the deep quiet of Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, and the joy that you share in Junior Journeys. I love our Children’s Chapel encounters and I have really enjoyed getting to know more about your kids and their faith while we have talked at Brick Bible.
After VBS, our smallest parishioners were so connected and so lively. I really wanted to capture that momentum and keep them in a fun headspace. Brick Bible did exactly that, giving them time to play together and develop closer relationships with one another and with me. Please stop in to Holy Grounds (near the Front Desk) when you have a moment to look at their LEGO creations. They are delightful.
We are no less engaged and giggly than we were at the end of VBS, and I am so happy about that. From this same desire for connection and community, I have added a few things to round out our Sunday morning lineup for the fall. My hope is that it will give your kids a space where they feel considered and able to grow into the love that god has for them, while also giving you your own space and time to grow your own faith and relationship with God.
We will be downstairs at 9:45 a.m. ready to receive your kids in the 1st Floor Chapel. No matter which service you come to, you can drop your kids off just before your own formation, and we will be there to receive them with breakfast at the ready. There is no charge for their breakfast, and nothing else for you to do. We will use a simple card system to check them in, and their card will follow them from there. They will go to their formation class and then to children’s chapel, where we will have Sunday Singalong from 11-11:30 a.m. You will pick them up there whenever you’re ready.
Sunday Singalong is a new worship time just for your kids. It is a space where they can wiggle and engage, be loud and have fun. If you are a nine o’clocker, you can attend church, drop them with us, and still have time to linger after your own formation. If you go to the 11:15 service, I will hang on to your kids and do children’s chapel at the end of Singalong. You can arrive at 9:45, drop them and get yourself to formation, then simply head to worship. I will bring them in to you at the peace. Either way, you each get your own space to worship and be fed.
All this will all be tracked with a Kid Card that follows them from place to place. It will have your phone numbers and any pertinent information, like food allergies, that we need to know. It’s their own mini-VBS every single week. I cannot think of anything more fun. Please join us for Children's and Families Ministry Orientation this Sunday, Aug. 25, from 10:30-11 a.m. in room 152 and I will explain it in detail and register them for their formation classes. If you cannot make it, please reach out to me and we will register them another way.
I care so much about respite for parents that we will begin Parent’s Night Out this fall. We will launch this slowly see how it is received by you and your kids, both. We will have our first on Saturday, September 28th from 5-8pm. You are not invited, so you will have to find your own fun. We will do this again December 21st from 4-8 to give you some time to finish up any shopping and preparations that need to be done.
We will also have Blessing of the Pets on October 2nd and Trunk or Treat an October 26th We will wrap up the year with a beautiful Pageant on Christmas Eve. I also have my eyes on some family programming for Wednesday evenings, but I want to know you and your family better so that I can tailor that programming to you.
I look forward to spending more time with you and your littles this fall, praying and singing and loving one another better. I am here if you need me, so do not hesitate to reach out.
Much love,
Fr. Kristin
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