Youth Formation will meet as normal during Lent (with the exception of March 16, the first Sunday of spring break, when Youth Formation will not meet).
Youth will nourish their souls with the Bread of Life, a curriculum from Illustrated Ministry. For those who took part in our most recent Advent series, this program has the same format. Youth confirmation classes will also begin in Lent on Sunday, March 30.
EYC’s schedule is unusual during Lent.
- No EYC on Ash Wednesday, March 5.
- Special off-campus Movie Night on March 12. Avoid the rush of SXSW and watch a movie at a parishioner's home, register online.
- No EYC during spring break on March 19
- Normal EYC schedule March 26, April 2, and April 9.
For our three “normal” EYCs during Lent, we will try restful practices to resist grind culture, utilizing a Rest Deck created by Tricia Hersey, aka: the Nap Bishop. Rest is both a commandment and a form of prayer when we rest intentionally in the presence of our God. Contact Kelsey Cooper with questions.
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