Thank you - month of service volunteers
During St. David’s Month of Service, we shared the joy of Jesus’ resurrection through service and acts of kindness at our church and throughout our community.
Together, St. David’s parishioners and volunteers:
- Built a children’s garden,
- Cleaned our playground,
- Aided residents in supportive housing,
- Promoted interfaith unity at an Iftar Dinner,
- Registered voters in Austin,
- Provided a teacher appreciation breakfast,
- Cleaned our choir room,
- Supported Trinity Center, El Buen Samaritano, and Next-to-New,
- Harvested St. David's Holy Honey from Barking Dog Ranch,
- Hosted an Earth Day event and celebrated Cesar Chavez,
- Assembled and donated hygiene kits to the new 8th Street Shelter,
- And, made more of our signature tie-dye shirts for future volunteer events!
During the Easter Season, St. David’s parishioners made these service projects possible through your ongoing stewardship support -- and -- by filling 148 volunteer assignments and completing 445 service hours. Together, we conducted St. David’s Month of Service projects in addition to our ongoing ministry efforts. It was amazing!
Thank you all for your incredible generosity, commitment to service, and open hearts!
With grace and gratitude,
Dianne Hardy-Garcia
Director of Community Engagement
Iftar Dinner
Tuesday • April 2 • 6-9:30 p.m.
A big St. David’s thank you to everyone who attended and volunteered at our Iftar Dinner with our friends from the Dialogue Institute and Raindrop Foundation of Austin.
Children’s Garden Build and Playground Clean Up
Saturday • April 6 • 9 a.m.-Noon
We had 40+ volunteers from St. David's Episcopal Day School and Month of Service volunteers working hard together to plant, paint, and beautify our playground and NEW Children's Garden.
Celebrating César Chávez
Sunday • April 7 • 9-11:15 a.m.
On Sunday, April 7, we celebrated the birth and legacy of civil and labor rights hero César Chávez in our 9 a.m. liturgy and throughout the morning with mariachi and special treats like pan dulce in Sumners Hall. Our children's classes gathered in the new Children's Garden to plant flowers and enjoy a piñata.
Serving Teachers Breakfast at Norman-Sims Elementary
Wednesday • April 10 • 9 a.m.
Sprucing Up Choir Room
Wednesday • April 10 • 5:30-6:30 p.m.
Attending Trinity Center’s Fundraising Event
Thursday • April 11 • 5:30-7:30 p.m.
Bethell Hall, Tickets: $125
The 2024 Barbara Jordan event was a fun evening! This is Trinity Center's most important fundraiser of the year.
All proceeds from the event support those struggling with homelessness and poverty in downtown Austin. You can still support the work of Trinity Center through their donation page.
Harvesting Honey in the Café Divine Kitchen
Saturday • April 13 • 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
A crew of all-ages came to the Café Divine kitchen to harvest honey with St. David’s Environmental Guild and our partners at Barking Dog Ranch. The Holy Honey was jarred in preparation for our Earth Day celebration on Sunday, April 21.
Attending El Buen Samaritano’s 35th Anniversary
Saturday • April 13 • 9 a.m.-Noon
This special anniversary event celebrates 35 years of memories, milestones, and community, which included the exciting unveiling of El Buen’s mural.
Assembling Household Supplies for Arbor Terrace
Sunday • April 14 • 8:30-11:30 a.m.
Volunteers assembled household supply bags for residents of Arbor Terrace on Sunday between services. Arbor Terrace is a supportive apartment community with which St. David’s shares a monthly lunch and has built a relationship over the last decade. Many residents have a fixed income, so these household gifts provide much-needed relief.

Attending to Support World Music in Austin
Sunday • April 14 • 5-7 p.m.
Helping with Voter Registration
Wednesday • April 17 • 10-11:30 a.m. Trinity Center
Thursday • April 25 • 5:30-6:30 p.m. Spinzone Laundry on S. Congress
After this event, Executive Director of Trinity Center Christian Rodriguez explained how voter registration helps our neighbors experiencing homelessness.
Painting at Trinity Center
Saturday • April 20 • 9 a.m.-noon
Volunteers painted Trinity Center’s new volunteer coordinator's office.
Celebrating Earth Day
Sunday • April 21 • 9-11:30 a.m.
We celebrated and cherished God’s creation in worship and then during our Earth Day mini-farmers market with children’s activities, Holy Honey, hand-made and organically grown local textile and food products from the Refugee Collective.
Helping Tie-Dye St. David’s Volunteer Shirts
Saturday afternoon • April 27
We continued our tradition of serving the city in tie-dye! Alison Riemersma led an all-ages team at her home making new shirts for our community.
Attending Children’s Choir Musical
Sunday • April 28 • 3 p.m.
Our Children's Choir gave a fantastic performance of Wise Guys as their annual musical.
Helping with Spring Cleaning at Next-to-New Shop
Saturday • May 4 • 10 a.m.-2 p.m. (two-hour shifts)
Thank you to the volunteers who helped our consignment and retail shop with spring cleaning and inventory.
On May 13, St. David's staff celebrated the volunteer-run shop with a luncheon. We thanked them for their work, which, through sales at Next-to-New, provides funds for local non-profit grants and the restoration of our Historic Church.
NEW DATE: Saturday • May 18 • 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
Adults and teens with parents are invited to build an accessibility ramp for a neighbor in need. No prior experience is required to join this monthly ministry, and we will teach you how to use the tools!
Email Chef Ray to join the team.
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