Adult Classes & Speakers

We encourage your wonder

St. David’s has a history of rich formation offerings. Part of this legacy is the diversity of our programs and seeking the Divine in all things. Recent topics include exploring the Episcopal tradition, Islam, and spirituality in nature. Everyone is welcome to join at any time.

Sunday Lectures

  • On most Sundays at 10 a.m. in Crail Hall we host:
    • Seasonal guest lectures. Hear recorded lectures when you subscribe to our Adult Formation Offerings podcast.
    • Holy Conversations: Second Sundays, discuss how to bring our Episcopal faith to bear on current events. 
    • Faith and Film is a summer series featuring short films that have either been nominated for or won an Oscar. This is an in-person-only offering. See the summer schedule.

Young Adults 20+ Ministry

Tapestry Austin

1st and 3rd Sundays
5-7 p.m., Easy Tiger (6406 N I-35 Frontage Rd #1100) 
Tapestry Austin is a group of young adults from Austin-area Episcopal churches that meet monthly for snacks, conversation, and fellowship. All young adults are invited and welcome to attend. For questions, please contact Tapestry Austin’s leaders, Kelsey Cooper or Allen Junek.

Join Young Adult Ministry

Austin-Area EpiscoPals

Alternating Thursdays
7 p.m., Meeting location sent with registration
We are a community of 20 and 30-somethings navigating life and faith in the Episcopal church together. Many of us attend different Episcopal churches in the Austin area, and we are supported by the Young Adult Ministry of St. David’s. The group meets weekly for discussion and prayer. We also meet for dinner, mini-golf, board/roleplaying games, karaoke, and guest lectures. All are welcome, from active Episcopalians to folks who are curious about the Episcopal Church, to those looking for a community. 

Join Austin-Area EpiscoPals

The Abbey At St. David's

A place for spirituality, learning, and practice

For people seeking a place to grow spiritually through Christian and other practices, The Abbey at St. David’s is a community in the heart of Austin and online. This is a natural extension of St. David’s role in our city since 1848: building connections in love, hope, joy, and vitality as we serve others.

Visit The Abbey at St. David's

Sacred Ground

CONTACT Dr. MONA WEST to Participate in the next series

Sacred Ground, is an 11-part film- and readings-based dialogue series on race, grounded in faith, which is part of Becoming Beloved Community, The Episcopal Church’s long-term commitment to racial healing and justice in our personal lives, our ministries, and our society.

Contact Dr. Mona West