Feb. 23: Legacy Sunday | Feast of St. David


Legacy Sunday | Feast of St. David

Sunday, Feb. 23

The feast of our patron saint, David, a monk and Bishop of Menevia (Wales) in the sixth century, is appointed for March 1. A patronal feast can be moved (‘transferred’) to a Sunday – but not during Advent, Lent, or Eastertide. Therefore, we have transferred its celebration to Sunday, Feb. 23. On this day, we will give thanks for our patron’s leadership and example and the fellowship of David and all the saints.

At 8, 9, and 11:15 a.m. Holy Eucharists, we will also honor and celebrate in our liturgy and music the members of the Sumners Legacy Society, who have left a planned gift to the St. David's Church Foundation. Come by Sumners Hall between services to learn how to leave a legacy gift to the church. You may also contact Eric Malnassy, director of Stewardship and Planned Giving, anytime at or (512) 610-3546.

We hope you will join us on this special day.

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