Submissions accepted: Dec. 1, 2024-Jan. 10, 2025, at noon.
2025 Vestry Nomination Packet
If you wish to run for the Vestry or Diocesan Council, please download the packet or contact Liliana Pierce ( or 512.610.3530). Return your completed packet with bio and picture to Liliana Pierce at the church or via e-mail no later than Noon on Friday, Jan. 10, 2025.
Annual Parish Meeting
Sunday, Jan. 26
10:15 a.m., Crail C (this is an onsite meeting)
At the Annual Parish Meeting, we will elect five Vestry members for three-year terms. In addition, we will elect one Diocesan Council delegate for a four-year term and one to serve a one-year unexpired term. Please consider nominees for these important positions and encourage others to submit their names. Self-nominations are also encouraged. Those accepting nomination for parish office must be confirmed communicants of St. David’s parish. The Canons read confirmed or the equivalent, which means “confirmed, received, or have reaffirmed baptismal vows before a bishop of this Church.” They must be pledging members who are regular in attendance at worship. Nominees should also be pursuing spiritual growth in the Christian faith by being active in some ongoing class(es) or small group(s) in the parish.
In addition, each Vestry member will be asked to attend a Vestry retreat from Feb. 28 - March 2, 2025, at a nearby location. Each Diocesan Council member will be expected to attend the Diocesan Council meeting scheduled on Feb. 7 and 8, 2025, in Fort Worth, TX.
If you wish to run for the Vestry or Diocesan Council, please download the packet or contact Executive Assistant to the Rector Liliana Pierce at 512.610.3530.
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