Children's Ministry in Lent


In preparation for Shrove Tuesday fun, our Sunday classes have been practicing playing Minute-To-Win-It and pancake-flipping games during Community Time. The kids are pretty talented with chopsticks and mittens. Adults will have to work hard to win when we play them again at the Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper on March 4, from 5:30-7 p.m. Our new associate rector, the Rev. Hope Tinsely Benko, will be joining us for the evening, so do come and meet her.

Ash Wednesday will begin Lent. Church services will be more reflective during this season and our meals will be simpler. Our work together will focus on drawing closer to God. I know we could all use that closeness right now. Starting on Shrove Tuesday, pick up your Lent in a Bag at-home supplies. Inside is a prayer kit that lays out the Ignatian Examen in a way that kids can engage with the practice throughout Lent. If you are unable to join us on Shrove Tuesday, bags will be available when you come to church on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings.

As we approach Holy Week and Easter, I will have a blogpost for you that lays out clearly the services we will offer during that time, so that you can decide how you want to participate. There will be a Stations of the Cross offering for children on Good Friday, April 18, at 1:30 p.m. This is at the same time as the adult Stations of the City walking tour, for adults and teens.

Our Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday begins at 7:30 p.m. The service will be followed by our Feast of Milk and Honey where we break our Lenten fasts together. Holy Saturday is a baptism day. To learn about baptism at St. David's please visit our sacraments page. On Easter Sunday, all are invited to gather on the Labyrinth to release butterflies and ladybugs together.

I cannot wait to celebrate with you as we bring back the Alleluia.

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