For those who missed our Youth Ministry Orientation, here is the content we reviewed as a group about what to expect and how to get the most out of Youth Ministry.
Leadership - who does what
- Kelsey Cooper is the full time staff lead
- Sara Cannon is our part time staff support
- We have a number of excellent adult volunteers who help to keep our spaces safeguarded and manage behavior in a group setting
Main Programming: EYC vs. Formation
EYC (Episcopal Youth Community) Dinner and Program
Wednesday evenings, 5:30-7 p.m.
Sumners Hall and Youth Room 170
- 33% checkins/dinner, 47% games, 10% teaching
- Meal price $10, meals will always be covered by youth budget for those who need it, no questions asked
- EYC is most Wednesday nights-- generally if school is happening, EYC is happening
Youth Formation
Sunday Mornings, 10-11 a.m.
Youth Room 170
- 20% checkins, 80% teaching
- Whenever there are more than 10 students present, we break out into two groups, with typically Kelsey leading one, and Sara leading another and each group has a second safeguarded adult.
- These groups are not separated by age/gender but based on vibes.
For both EYC and Sunday Formation program cancellations will be communicated via church text. Not much else gets put on the calendar, that's intentional
Acolytes - what's the deal with them
- Service ministry seeking students grades 3+ to serve at 9am and 11:15am services
- Gives "youts" a job, particularly helpful if you have a low attention span but still want to be part of worship. Also helps dedicate time to God to decide what you want your relationship with Her to look like; good accountability for coming to worship because people are counting on you.
- New workshop style includes gamifying the process of learning. It's going to be fun and new and interesting. Acolyte workshop: Sept. 8th 12:30-2:30 p.m. Register by Sept. 5.
- Students are welcome to try it out for a few weeks and then decide whether to keep going. Most important thing is that students are serving somewhere, not that we have the most acolytes per capita. If acolyting isn't a good fit, let's find something else.
Camp Allen & Happening - diocesan-wide options for youth ministry
Happening -- for high school students, once in a lifetime event. Kelsey can talk to those interested! If you've already Happened, but wish to get involved behind the scenes, Kelsey can help you get plugged into that too! There are scholarship opportunities for those who wish to attend Happening or Camp Allen. We never want students to miss out on these spiritual development opportunities due to financial burden! Talk to Kelsey about it!
Happening dates:
#181 - Sep 27-29, 2024
#182 - Nov 22-24, 2024
#183 - Jan 24-26, 2025
#184 - Apr 25-27, 2025
Camp Allen -- diocesan summer camp in Navasota, TX If your student intends to go to Camp Allen, or has questions about it, please ask Kelsey!
Worship Bags
New initiative: worship bags are located just inside the front doors of the sanctuary on the left. They're largely personalized for each person. Please use them during worship and return them afterwards so they can be updated and restocked for the next week.
This is Kelsey’s silliest youth engagement strategy yet. New initiative: exclusive collector's items of Kelsey's face. These will be limitedly available at these events or after students have done these things:
- Attend worship 5x (tell Kelsey or Sara when you attend so we can track it)
- By attending the Sacred Order of Acolytes Workshop (Sunday, Sept. 8)
- Participating in the all-parish Shrove Tuesday Supper (Tuesday, March 4)
- Participating in decorating for Trinity Center's Christmas Party (Saturday, Dec. 14)
Lending Library
- This is partially in response to book banning initiatives, partially because it's a beautiful cross-section of things I'm passionate about.
- Library is stocked with books on disability, race, police brutality, queer stories, teen activism, etc.
- Rules: you don't need to ask permission, you don't need to inform anyone that you're borrowing something. If I notice a book has been gone for longer than a month I'll order a replacement.
- Please check content warnings, these books by their nature are about sensitive subjects. A reliable content warnings list can usually be found at The Storygraph, a Black woman-owned Amazon-alternative to Goodreads.
Comms - how to keep up with happenings
- Church Calendar always has up to date info on when we're meeting, only reason it might be delayed is if we cancel the day of due to inclement weather-- those calendar changes have to go through multiple departments, so they don't always reflect instantly.
- Parents and teens will receive irregular emails from Kelsey about upcoming events, but the main church newsletter is the best for regular weekly communication.
- GroupMe: A place for youth community and easy RSVPs (Contact Kelsey for link to join). It is THE place for Kelsey to get youth opinions on program choices that effect teens.
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