Sept. 8: Get Inspired by Rep. Talarico & Attend St. David’s Advocacy Meeting


Holy Conversation: Faith and Politics
Sept. 8 at 10 a.m., Crail C

State Representative James Talarico will be speaking at St. David’s, and we hope you will join us for this special Holy Conversation. Our Holy Conversations (2nd Sundays), discuss how to bring our Episcopal faith to bear on current events. Learn more about this Holy Conversation.

Rep. Talarico, who is both a seminary student and dedicated state legislator, will be speaking about the special role people of faith and good conscience can play in our current political climate. He will also help us explore the ways we can work in partnership with our government – as caring, Christian citizens. 

Following Rep. Talarico’s presentation, please consider attending the St. David’s Advocacy Group Meeting on Sept. 8, at 11:10 a.m. in the Guild Parlor Room. We will discuss the Holy Conversation, our Voting Faithfully Challenge, the Lunch for Open & Affirming Congregations, upcoming advocacy efforts, and more.  All are welcome.

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