About the Eckhardt Mission Series


“Sir, we wish to see Jesus.” John: 12-21
Photo: Louise Eckhardt pictured with the Rev. Jim Bethell

Louise Adams Eckhardt brought joy and prayer to the St. David’s parish. Her presence among us was a gift that we treasured while she was with us. In 1987, she gave an endowed gift to St. David’s to remain with us through time by establishing the James Eckhardt Mission Series. This series, a preaching/teaching event featuring a Biblical presentation of the Scriptures according to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, is for the Parish family of St. David’s and other peoples of the greater Austin community.

In making this gift, she cited John 12:21, “Sir, we wish to see Jesus.” A secondary objective in establishing the series was “to provide a more personal teaching and sharing experience for various groups within St. David’s Parish and to bring people into a closer personal relationship with Jesus Christ.”

The series name honors the memory of Dr. James W. Eckhardt for his dedicated Christian ministry to the medical profession.

Not only did she provide for this series in her lifetime, she left a bequest equal to her original gift for the series in her Will. Additionally, she left gifts to St. David’s for food, healing youth, altar guild, mission and evangelism, and prayer ministries. Her generous offerings of abundance to our parish began with sharing her smile, her prayers, and her belief in Jesus Christ.

With her Will, she told the parish how much ministry, prayer, and teaching about Jesus Christ meant to [her] in her life. She has left a legacy for those of us who knew her and for those who did not. Those touched by her generosity today and in the future will know the value of her lifework and her love for St. David’s through the teaching series she has left for generations to experience. Louise’s gift blesses us all with God’s love.

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