
About the Group

AdultsAdults (20+)Adults (35-55)Adults (55+)Children (4th & 5th Grade)Children's ChoirsFamilyNewcomerOn SiteYoung Adults (20+)Youth (6th-8th Grade)Youth (9th-12th Grade)ChildrenMeditationPhysical ActivityPrayerSpiritual DevelopmentSt. David'sWorshipYouth

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Contact Guild leader for more information.

Labyrinth Guild helps with the care of the labyrinth at St. David’s. Docents are trained in the history and spiritual design of the labyrinth in order to help host labyrinth events.

Meeting times and time commitment: Meet as needed to assist with labyrinth events as well as the labyrinth garden

Ministry leader: Director of Adult Formation Ministry Dr. Mona West,

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