In late August, the St. David’s Grant Committee for Community Outreach (GCCO) awarded four $10,000 grants to local non-profits. St. David’s Grants Committee awards these grants with funding provided by sales at our Next-to-New shop. Over the next four weeks, we would like to introduce each of these recipients to you.
St. Louise House is a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping women and their children overcome homelessness and move into healthy, independent lives.
Their mission is not only to help single mothers and their children experiencing homelessness but also to help those women-led families who need more time and support than emergency shelters can provide but who do not meet the requirements for other housing. St. Louis House provides stable housing and wraparound services with highly-individualized support that fosters education, financial literacy, strong family relationships, and healthy living, leading to a lifetime of self-sufficiency.
Since their inception, more than 200 families have been served, including almost 500 children. 100% of the children in their care were promoted to the next grade level.
Austin is a generous community, and St. Louise House is another excellent example. The grants given by St. David’s are significant donations that can make a big impact in moving charities forward with their mission. If you are interested in participating in the action at Next-to-New, where we make money for our community and have a blast doing it, click the button below to complete an application.
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