Stories of Discernment: Fr. Chad McCall

I wanted to respond and try and provide pastoral care for those struggling with life behind bars. This was very much a personal experience combined with the scriptural call to provide care for those in prison.

how did you discern god's will?

I first experienced a call to action when someone close to me was incarcerated, and I witnessed the impact that incarceration has on the individual who is in jail/prison and also the issues created for the family and those on the outside. I wanted to respond and try and provide pastoral care for those struggling with life behind bars. This was very much a personal experience combined with the scriptural call to provide care for those in prison. Currently, I meet with men who have experienced the death of a loved one either while they were incarcerated or just before being incarcerated so it is primarily grief work.

was there a moment or sign when you knew the voice of god was present?

Initially, I relied on a more private sense that this was something that I should do in response to what I witnessed firsthand. As time went on, and as I had interactions with those in jail and provided pastoral care, then I definitely began to feel the presence of God and the voice of God. In my experience, those who are incarcerated are frequently grateful for the opportunity to speak with someone “outside” of their current situation and are often eager to share. These conversations can frequently become extremely vulnerable and “real” in a very short manner of time because these interactions provide a brief sense of safety and security in an otherwise chaotic environment. As a result, discussions and sharing can sometimes progress very rapidly and become very intense. At times, there is a very clear sense that God is present and is blessing our time together. While I wouldn’t call it a mountaintop experience, sometimes it is definitely a “thin place” where God is felt and experienced and where both of our lives are changed. It is truly a blessing to have someone trust you and share with you in what is often the one and only time that you will be together.

what is your continuing discernment practice?

Prayer is certainly the primary means for me to listen to and be in relationship with God, but when it comes to true discernment, I could certainly do more. Sometimes, I think I need more of a loud clanging cymbal than a still small voice. During the times in my life when I have truly discerned a life change or a more major decision, I identify with Samuel who was awakened three times by God before realizing what was happening. Perhaps a more charitable way of saying it is that I tend to notice trends and consistent messages more than single events, and I sometimes have to hear things more than once. A dedicated practice of asking for guidance and then taking the time to listen and discern is critically important.

These Stories of Discernment came out of our 2024 year-long focus on discernment as a parish. Throughout the summer, we will share these stories to inspire our community to continue to explore ways to listen to God’s call in our lives as individuals and as a parish.

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