Stories of Discernment: Kate Terrell

I feel called to help the children, parents, and staff of St. David’s Day School and I try to do all that I can to serve them.

How did you feel called to action? How did you discern God’s will? 

I didn’t start out wanting to work with children, in fact it never even occurred to me. I wanted to be a genealogist, but those jobs were few and far between. I was finishing my degree and feeling lost, when I met with the most amazing college advisor. After an hour of conversation, she told me to try working with children. I honestly thought she was very wrong, but I gave it a try and took a position as an assistant teacher in a small Christian preschool in Westlake. From the first day it felt comfortable, it felt like coming home. I loved the children, and it turned out that they loved me too. I had finally found a place that fit all of me. My life changed the day that college advisor told me that I belonged working with children and I believe she was part of my journey and God’s Will. When I came to St. David’s I immediately knew that it was different from other churches. The pastoral staff was friendly and approachable, and I felt like I belonged here. I think that God leads us in the direction He believes is best for us, but it's up to the individual to listen. Joining this community felt like I was listening and right where I was supposed to be.

was there a moment or sign when you knew the voice of god was present?

I look back at that amazing college advisor and think that was God guiding me through her. I didn’t know it at the time, but it became so clear in the years that followed. That advisor became a friend and continued to guide me, until God called her home. It may sound cliche, but it was like He was calling His angel home.

what is your continuing discernment practice?

Usually, I’m quite busy and get caught up in all the little things. I must remind myself to slow down and listen. Listen to God, listen to the universe around me in all its minutia. Those quiet moments are when I talk to God and seek His guidance. I feel called to help the children, parents, and staff of St. David’s Day School and I try to do all that I can to serve them.

These Stories of Discernment came out of our 2024 year-long focus on discernment as a parish. We share these stories to inspire our community to continue to explore ways to listen to God’s call in our lives as individuals and as a parish.

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