Scriptural Foundations:
The Gospels
Wednesdays, Feb. 5, 12, 19, 26
6-7:15 p.m., Crail C
This beginning course for study of the New Testament books in the Scriptural Foundations certificate program provides a general overview of the history, geography, and literature of the books of the New Testament. St. David’s Scriptural Foundations is a two-year certificate program that provides an in-depth exploration of the Old and New Testaments, considering their historical contexts, literary characteristics, and relevance for today.
In February, Brent Landau, lecturer in religious studies at the University of Texas at Austin, will teach on the four gospels of the New Testament and their presentation of the life of Jesus.
About Brent Landau
Brent is a parishioner at St. David's and received his Th.D and M.Div from Harvard University and a B.A. in Religious Studies from the University of Iowa. Prior to coming to UT in 2013, he was assistant professor of Religious Studies at the University of Oklahoma; he has also held visiting positions at Boston University and Harvard Divinity School.
Brent’s chief research is on ancient Christian apocryphal writings. Among this literature, he is particularly interested in traditions about Jesus’ birth and childhood and in fragments of Christian Apocrypha preserved on papyri.
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