Nov. 3 & 17: Nitro Theology: Grace and the Problem of Suffering (Part I & II)


Grace and the Problem of Suffering

Nov. 3 (Part I)

Nov. 17 (Part II)

10 a.m., Crail C

Dr. William Greenway, Professor of Philosophical Theology at Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary, starts a two-part presentation on grace and the problem of suffering. For many evil and suffering are major obstacles to faith in God. For centuries modern theologians have attempted to meet this challenge through the development of a variety of theodicies. None is convincing. But the modern understanding of the problem is confused. Properly understood, faith in God is never more sure than when standing before horrendous suffering and evil.

For the months of October and November, we will have Nitro Cold Brew coffee available in Crail C as we infuse our hearts and minds with some engaging theological topics. 

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