Volunteers Needed for Iftar Dinner on March 24

Iftar Dinner

Monday, March 24

6:45-8:45 p.m., Sumners Hall

The Christian observance of Lent begins with Ash Wednesday on March 5. It is a 40-day period in which we seek closeness to God through devotion and self-discipline, often through fasting, in preparation for the paschal mystery of Easter. Our Muslim siblings are also anticipating a holy season with the beginning of Ramadan at sundown on Friday, Feb. 28.  Extending until Saturday, March 29, Ramadan is a time when Muslims also seek closeness to God through devotion and self-discipline and will fast from food and drink from pre-dawn until sunset every day.  The fast, which is one of the five pillars of Islam, is broken at sunset every day with an Iftar dinner.

It has been our tradition at St. David's for the last several years to join in a time of interfaith dialogue by sharing an Iftar dinner with some of our Muslim neighbors during the month of Ramadan. This year, our Iftar dinner, provided by the Dialogue Institute of Austin, will be held at St. David's on March 24. We are looking for hosts for each table from 6:45-8:45 pm. Contact Dr. Mona West to volunteer. We hope you will join us for a delicious and informative time of community building! 
There is no cost for this dinner, but we do need people to register to plan for the appropriate amount of food.

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